On Monday Sean and I turned over and weeded the last of the potato bed! Whew, that was definitely something we were both looking forward to and it was nice to see our first big project be checked off the list. After planting all of the potatoes we still had some room left so we planted peas next to the potatoes and put two tomato plants at the end. These are the little green sprouts you can see at the forefront of the picture.
It was pretty interesting for us to see how much of a difference one week's worth of work can make, as this area that we've weeded out is now suitable for growing and it will foster a generous harvest for years to come (if kept nice!).
The completed "reclaimed bed," looking from the garden out to the house
Tuesday brought quite a bit of rain so Sean and I took that time to do a bit of work for GardenShare, a non-profit organization dedicated to food security. We conveniently share ESL house with GardenShare, which makes it easy to build partnerships and learn about how the organization runs.
This week we learned that non-profits don't have the leisure of reprinting when there was a mistake made on a few hundred envelopes... So Sean and I have been helping to relabel on the days that we are cooped up inside from the rain.
GardenShare hosted a benefit dinner Tuesday night at 1844 House, and Sean and I were thrilled to be invited. I had never been before! The food was delicious and there were so many fascinating people to meet. I'm telling you, there were some real go-getters at this dinner who had such an inspiring outlook for the future of food security and community systems in the North Country. I felt so lucky to have attended such an event and I left feeling energized and also very full :)
** Here is the link to the GardenShare website, I suggest checking out all the wonderful things that they do http://www.gardenshare.org/
NEXT PROJECT! Moving right along, Wednesday was a beautiful high of 60/70 degrees and sunny so we started on some new projects in the garden. constructed a few more raised beds that will be helpful in planting the copious amount of plants we have waiting, such as the peppers that we recently received from the Cornell Cooperative Extension down the road.
Thursday we started tending to this blueberry patch, which needs a bit of weeding. Although the blueberries are green now and won't be ready for picking until around August, it's getting me so excited for berry season!
Looks like tomorrow may bring more rain, but we'll hope for the best because the Canton Farmer's market needs some good weather!! (some sunshine wouldn't hurt for our garden either)
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